Polo, a pogona minor, sunbathing
Sunbathing for Polo

Polo tries to sunbathe every day as much as possible, hopefully for about two hours a day. But it's not easy on weekdays.
He love spending time in the sun, it's very important for him because it helps him warm up and produce vitamins from the UV rays.
Of course I have a basking light so he can bask in the cage, but I think there is probably nothing better than natural light.
Polo's skin turns a gentle yellow when he is sunbathed. He loves this gentle yellow color, and it is one of the joys of sunbathing for him.
More benefits of sunbathing

In addition, one of the most helpful things about letting him sunbathe is that they will almost certainly poop. This is almost a certainty. When I go to the veterinary clinic, I should bring the poop with him, and if the poop doesn't come out easily, I still want to let him poop using sunlight.
In such cases, as far as polo is concerned, sunbathing will almost certainly do the trick. That's why I'm pulling down a pet sheet in the video.
Even though Polo walks around the room, he often runs to the window if he is not getting enough sunshine. Well, I don't know if he really doesn't get enough sunshine, but I think he probably does.
On the other hand, after a full day of sunbathing, he hide in the shadows. He may no longer be able to run up to his master, me. I'm not giving up yet!
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