インドのコロナについて|About epidemic of COVID-19  Infections in India


I think I should not avoid this topic now when I talk about India from now on.


COVID-19 is raging around the world. Especially in India, the number of COVID-19 infections is exploding. I returned from India before the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, so I didn’t encountered the devastation.


But the news comes in. Raw voices also come too. I contacted Indian friends. A friend told me that his family had been infected with COVID-19 and was in quarantine. I also tried have a contact a friend who is in India. But I can’t get touch with him already. It's sad. I hope they are okay.


In India, there are many people living on the streets. There are many places where the hygiene is honestly terrible. I think a lot of people in Japan see unbelievable sights every day. It was me too. In the summer, I saw kids bathing in contaminated river.


When I first arrived in India, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to make it here. Sanitation is weak anyway. When this infectious disease went viral, the fear of its spread in India quickly grew in my mind.


But I know that India has its own charm, its unfathomable growth potential, and the high ability of its people. I know the warmth and joy of the people. There were nights when I laughed, talked, and danced with strangers, people whose names I didn't even know, who I just happened to meet that night.


I want to introduce India to my family. I would like to visit again. Please, please, don't take their life.

