Polo, a pogona minor, sunbathing Sunbathing for Polo Polo tries to sunbathe every day as much as possible, hopefully for about two hours a day. But it's not eas...
The Life of Polo, a Pogona minor What I think when I watch Polo's video I uploaded a mostly unedited video of pogona minor Polo on Youtube. The only editing I d...
The story of how Polo's eyes were healed There was something wrong with Polo's eyes. https://vynsen.net/polo-7/2641/ I've written before in this blog that Polo'...
Encounter with Polo The first meeting Polo at the pet shop It was about a year ago that I went to a reptile store, which I don't usually go to, just out of curi...
Polo's been slacking Pogona minor, Polo, being held by a thermometer As you can see in the video, Polo is often leaning on the thermometer. He looks like an old...